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Trujillo y su apoyo a la Colonia Judía de Sosúa: Compras de tierras de United Fruit Company en los años 30

Muchos han afirmado que Trujillo “poseía” toda o la mayor parte de la República Dominicana o que se apoderó de propiedades. Sin embargo, esto parece ser otra narrativa falsa creada por sus enemigos. Lo que podemos demostrar con documentos factuales como este es que Trujillo compró tierras y empresas a precios razonables o adquirió acciones…

Speech of Jew refugees in Sosua praising Trujillo for saving them from Hitler’s persecution and building them a synagogue!

There was a time decades ago; before his assassination by the CIA with the help of Dominican dissidents that collaborated with the agency, a time before his “character assassination” and propaganda took effect, before the brainwashing of generations regarding the real story of the iron-fisted Dictator that modernized the Dominican Republic, there was a time when he was praised by many…

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